In this post, we’ll learn how to use a drag gesture to check the scrolling direction of a list. The goal is to hide the tab bar and change the appearance of a floating button based on whether the list is scrolling up or down, similar to the behavior of the Gmail app. (Check the code from previous post floating-button-in-swiftui).
First step: Define the two different styles for the Floating Button:
struct FullFB: View { var body: some View { Label("write", systemImage: "pencil") .font(.title.weight(.semibold)) .padding() .background(.pink) .foregroundStyle(.white) .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerSize: CGSize(width: 40, height: 40))) .shadow(radius: 4, x: 0, y: 4) } } struct SmallFB: View { var body: some View { Image(systemName: "pencil") .font(.title.weight(.semibold)) .padding() .background(.pink) .foregroundStyle(.white) .clipShape(Circle()) .shadow(radius: 4, x: 0, y: 4) } }
The code should be self-explanatory: the first style is a rounded rectangle button featuring both text and an icon, while the second style is a circular button with only an icon.
Now take a look to the list:
List(initList(), id:\.self) { mail in HStack { Text(mail) Spacer() } } .gesture( DragGesture().onChanged { value in if value.translation.height > 0{ tabbarVisibility = .visible } else { tabbarVisibility = .hidden } } ).toolbar(tabbarVisibility, for: .tabBar)
We display a list of text, but we also attach a gesture to the list. When the DragGesture
changes its value, we check the translation. If it’s greater than zero, the list is scrolling up, and we set the tab bar visibility to visible. In any other case, it’s set to hidden.
The complete code is:
struct ContentView: View { @State var tabbarVisibility: Visibility = .visible var body: some View { TabView { NavigationStack { ZStack { List(initList(), id:\.self) { mail in HStack { Text(mail) Spacer() } } .gesture( DragGesture().onChanged { value in if value.translation.height > 0{ tabbarVisibility = .visible } else { tabbarVisibility = .hidden } } ).toolbar(tabbarVisibility, for: .tabBar) .padding() VStack { Spacer() HStack { Spacer() NavigationLink { EmptyView()} label: { if tabbarVisibility == .visible { FullFB() } else { SmallFB() } }.padding() } }.padding() } }.tabItem { Label("Emails", systemImage: "envelope") } Text("Second tab") .tabItem { Label("Video", systemImage: "video") } } } func initList() -> [String] { var emails = [String]() for i in 1000000...1000100 { emails.append("Email " + String(i)) } return emails } }
The tabbarvisibility is also used to determine which type of floating button to display.
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Note: English is not my native language, sorry for any errors. I use ChatGPT only to generate the banner of the post, the content is human.