In this post we’ll learn:
- How to create a segment control.
- How to customize the look and feel of a segment control.
Create the segment control
Let’s start by creating a segment control that allows choosing from the days of the week:
struct SegUIView: View { @State private var daySelected = 0 var body: some View { VStack { Picker("Choose a day", selection: $daySelected) { Text("Mo").tag(0) Text("Tu").tag(1) Text("We").tag(2) Text("Th").tag(3) Text("Fr").tag(4) Text("Sa").tag(5) Text("Su").tag(6) } .pickerStyle(.segmented) Text("Selected the day \(daySelected)") Spacer() }.padding() } }
So, the Segment Control is created by using a Picker and setting its style to segmented. If you remove this style, the default Picker appears as a contextual menu.
The state variable daySelected stores the tag value of the selected item. We then simply display this value in a Text.
Thus we have:
Thus, upon selecting a day, we see the number corresponding to daySelected (the tag number).
To create something more realistic, we can create a function that returns a view for the different daySelected:
@ViewBuilder func DayView(day: Int) -> some View { switch (day) { case 0: Text("Monday") case 1: Text("Tuesday") case 2: Text("Wednesday") case 3: Text("Thursday") case 4: Text("Friday") case 5: Text("Saturday") case 6: Text("Sunday") default: Text("") } }
By replacing the code in the body, we can update the view dynamically based on the daySelected. Here’s how it’s done:
var body: some View { VStack { Picker("Choose a day", selection: $daySelected) { Text("Mo").tag(0) Text("Tu").tag(1) Text("We").tag(2) Text("Th").tag(3) Text("Fr").tag(4) Text("Sa").tag(5) Text("Su").tag(6) } .pickerStyle(.segmented) DayView(day: daySelected) Spacer() }.padding() }
Customize the Segment Control
The background of the Picker can be changed by using its background property:
var body: some View { VStack { Picker("Choose a day", selection: $daySelected) { Text("Mo").tag(0) Text("Tu").tag(1) Text("We").tag(2) Text("Th").tag(3) Text("Fr").tag(4) Text("Sa").tag(5) Text("Su").tag(6) } .pickerStyle(.segmented) .background(.yellow) DayView(day: daySelected) Spacer() }.padding() }
Instead, to change the properties of the text and the background color of the selected element, we need to use code from UIKit. Therefore, we define an init function in this way:
init() { // Color for the selected item UISegmentedControl.appearance().selectedSegmentTintColor = // The text color for the selected item UISegmentedControl.appearance().setTitleTextAttributes([.foregroundColor: UIColor.white], for: .selected) }
So we have:
If we want to remove the separator between the days, we can add this code to the init function:
UISegmentedControl.appearance().setDividerImage(UIImage(), forLeftSegmentState: .normal, rightSegmentState: .normal, barMetrics: .default)
To change the text color of the unselected items, add the following code:
UISegmentedControl.appearance().setTitleTextAttributes([.foregroundColor: UIColor.magenta], for: .normal)
The code